Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Missing Pieces by April Erwin

Missing Pieces by April Erwin 

Genre: Young Adult Novel 
Cost: $8.50 paperback, $2.99 e-book

About the Book:

Elaine thought she had accepted her life as an adopted child. Now, on the verge of college graduation and her twenty-first birthday, she's not so sure. A recurring dream from her childhood has returned. Who is the old man in the dream and why does it seem so important to find him? 

Despite her mother's pleas, Elaine begins a search that leads her from Boston, Massachusetts to Independence, Missouri.

Alone for the first time in her life, Elaine is faced with choices she wouldn't have imagined. What is she really searching for, and will she be willing to accept what she finds? Love, faith, and family will all be tested as she searches for the Missing Pieces.

About the Author:

April Erwin wrote her first book in Kindergarten and although the happily ever after story of a rabbit family wasn’t a success, her recent stories have been. A full-on nerd, April will study whatever strikes her interest in the moment and her Internet browsing history can prove it. She holds an Associate in Graphological Science (the study of handwriting analysis); tutors dyslexic and reading challenged individuals, enjoys photography, and is a singer/songwriter recording original music with her sister, Angel. 

Raised in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, she’s a lifelong resident of Independence, Missouri. When not working on her latest project, you can find April devouring a great book, watching movies with her family, or spending way too much time on Facebook.

Available in ebook and paperback from the following sellers:

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